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  • Writer's picturePeter Drivas

Peter Drivas How property management works

Peter Drivas - Many users wonder how property management works, if it is the owner of the property who determines the price, or if, on the contrary, he must accept the price set by the administrator.

The person who is dedicated to property management must control the financial decisions regarding the properties of their clients. With this we do not mean that it imposes an amount, since it is the owner who decides the rental price of their homes.

Peter Drivas How property management works
Peter Drivas How property management works

However, the administrator is a professional in the market, so he must advise on the rent that seems most appropriate for each type of property. Thanks to this, the client gets the most out of the rental, but at the same time the establishment of exorbitant prices is avoided.

Peter Drivas Los Angeles - The person in charge of the real estate administration must hire the repair services that are necessary to keep the property in good condition. Before requesting a service, the homeowner will be consulted to show their agreement.

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